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25/01/18 (2) - a continuation and better version of the first

  Another thing I learned today: (actually, I think I've always know it...)   I want to live in a fiction world...   I want to go on rescues with the Tracy family...   Go sailing the New World with the Strawhats...   I wanna have powers (or a super cool suit) and go saving the world with Flash and the Justice League...   I want to be happy, I want to be free!   I love my life in those universes!   And then I thought, "No, that's wrong! I don't love my life in those universes, I love the person I am in those universes!"   So I thought to myself, what's the difference between them and me?   For once, I have no super powers. I'm not brave enough to fight strong people just to protect my dreams. I mean, I would argue with who ever was against me, but fighting? No way, I'm a bit of a coward there... I also do not posses the knowledge needed to be of any help when helping others, specially not when it comes to rescuing p
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  Do you know what I learned today?   I learned a lot, really: I have no idea how to make a rehearsal plan After delivering the work I always remember something I forgot Mom and I don't really see eye to eye when expressing ideas   (The last one is more in the lines of us wanting to say the same thing, but only confusing each other with the way we say it...)   You know what else I learned? That the longer I have to make a paper, the longer I take to go from the introduction to the rest of it...   I really have no idea how to start... and no idea how to finish...and, being honest, no idea what to write in between.   Until I FINALLY start. From that point on I just don't know how to express my ideas and when to stop.    My Portuguese teachers (I'm from Portugal, so that's my equivalent to your English) always complained that I never had a conclusion, or that it was too rushed, in my compositions.   Poor women...   They tried, but I never learned.

Who am I?

 I'm a starter....  I've always been a starter. No one can deny that.  I don't just dream about writing a book, I take a pen and a notebook and start writing.... and then forget about it. I don't just dream about plying the guitar, I convince my parents to buy me a guitar and star going to music classes at school. And when the year ends I forget to continue practising... I forget I own that guitar as if I don't see it every time I walk into my room.  So, yes, I'm a starter.....  I'm attached....  I've always been and always will be to anything I own. Even I can't deny that!  I don't just dream about having a huge, almost unused collection of stuffed animals, I have that collection. Do I ever play with them? No. I'm 21, I'm too old to play with dolls and stuffed toys. Does that stop me from buying more than my room can handle? No, cause every animal I buy is a child to me. We make a connection when we meet and I do