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25/01/18 (2) - a continuation and better version of the first

  Another thing I learned today: (actually, I think I've always know it...)

  I want to live in a fiction world...

  I want to go on rescues with the Tracy family...

  Go sailing the New World with the Strawhats...

  I wanna have powers (or a super cool suit) and go saving the world with Flash and the Justice League...

  I want to be happy, I want to be free!

  I love my life in those universes!

  And then I thought, "No, that's wrong! I don't love my life in those universes, I love the person I am in those universes!"

  So I thought to myself, what's the difference between them and me?

  For once, I have no super powers. I'm not brave enough to fight strong people just to protect my dreams. I mean, I would argue with who ever was against me, but fighting? No way, I'm a bit of a coward there... I also do not posses the knowledge needed to be of any help when helping others, specially not when it comes to rescuing people. In fact, the only thing I'd be able to do for the Tracy's would be cooking. But that's not much... (Although I think it would be a great help for them if I cooked instead of Grandma..)
  That's my problem. I love those girls that go on adventures and save the world... The brave girl who puts others before herself... The wise girl whose knowledge helps others when we need to find a solution to a problem in front of us... The brave girl who dares to defy the laws of right or wrong and get in a boat in a crazy adventure around the dangerous world... That's just not me....

  So I thought, why do I love them so much? What makes them so special?

  And then I remembered about the why they were like that. What happened in their past for them to become like this...

  You see, when I invent someone to add as myself in a certain world I always give them a way to justify their abilities...

  Miss Justice League is an alien whose family was killed when she was young and was expelled from her planet. As someone born with amazing powers and that has once lost everything that was dear to her, she vowed to use her powers to protect the new people in her life, so that she's never alone again. She has a reason to sacrifice herself if needed, for those she loves are the most important thing in her life. They die, she dies inside. She's also very good at finding solutions cause she loved solving puzzles and problems as a child.

  Miss One Piece is from a secret island whose inhabitants are half-animals creatures (they are human-like, but have traits of their animal, like ears and tails, or scales, etc.). In that island there is a school that trains their young to be killer machines, capable of fighting many styles, with or without weapons. The other side of it is that it is a very strict place and when they finish school they usually work in the army protecting the island, it's inhabitants and the royal family or as spies for the later. Having grown up in such a strict environment she decided to run away from that island in search of her freedom and adventure, which she finds as a pirate. She fights for her dreams cause they're the most important thing to her, and cause she's capable of doing it. She learned how to do it from a very young age...

  Miss Thunderbird is a bit of a different story. She's the adopted daughter of Lady Penelope's uncle. She is a very intelligent young lady. The same age as the third oldest Tracy brother. She's both an astronaut and an aquanaut because she wanted to explore both the sea and the skies. She's also a zoologist and a mechanic engineer. All because she had the free time to do it and she didn't want to choose just one career. (I mean, who wants to choose to do just one of the things she loves for the rest of their life? She was rich so she took advantage of it...) She also learned martial arts since young, so she could defend herself if needed, and etiquette. She met the Tracy family through Penelope. Her knowledge and ability in being able to help in all kinds of situations, and her different perspective in life and way of thinking, landed her a place in the Thunderbirds as their "do it all" or "multitasker". (I went a little wild with this one...)

  These young ladies all had a thing in common (besides their name), they all became who they are because of their past and dreams. And I love them because of it.

  So, what do I love? What makes me special and able to risk it all?

  Well, for starters, I am a dreamer. I dream about a lot of things that I wish were true. I love reading different stories and imagine a alter ego of mine in their world. Then what can I do to use my dreams for something? Hmm... I think I could write stories... If I knew how to start, develop and conclude a text, or a chapter, or anything else... (Remember the notebooks with stories and my inability to write at all?)

  I also love to travel and meet new places. Learn new languages and different cultures... The solution? I am trying to get in a University in a different country. (If everything goes well, by next year I'll be studying Asian languages and cultures in England ^^)

  In the midst of all this thinking, I learned that I actually love myself. I may not be brave or a 100% selfless. I may not know much, but I'm learning. And I'm a dreamer and I love my dreams. I'm actually a nice person. Not perfect, but still perfect to me.... You know what? I'm my own superhero!!

  Photo of my dinner 3,5 years ago, cause I can:  ^^ 
